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Ответ в The Blood-Brain Barrier: Biology and Research Protocols
Правила форума Правила форума: в каталоге описываются только те книги, которые переведены в электронную форму;
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автор описания является куратором темы, то есть может удалять и/или редактировать чужие сообщения.

Книги удобнее смотреть здесь (отбор по классификатору, личный фильтр, несколько описаний на страницу).

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Пример: [b]полужирный[/b] [i] - курсив

Пример: [i]курсив[/i] [u] - подчёркнутый

Пример: [u]подчёркнутый[/u] [sup] - верхний индекс

Пример: температура 37[sup]o[/sup]C [sub] - нижний индекс

Пример: H[sub]2[/sub]O - вода [QUOTE] - применяется для цитирования чужих сообщений, цитата вставляется с небольшим отступом от края текста

Пример: [QUOTE]цитата[/QUOTE] [code] - форматирование как при вводе
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программный код
	1 строка
	2 строка
[/code] [list] - список:
возможны опции: 1, a, A, i, I
[list] неупорядоченный; 
[list=1] нумерованный; 
[list=A] упорядоченный по буквам A-Z

[*] первая строка;
[*] вторая строка;
[/list] Тег [hr] - горизонтальная разделительная линия

Абзац 1
Абзац 2 [url] - гиперссылка

[url=http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/]NCBI[/url] [email] - ссылка на адрес электронной почты

Пример: [email]masha@mail.ru[/email] Тег [img] - рисунок
[img] - в строке;
[imgL] - выравнивание по левому краю; 
[imgR] - выравнивание по правому краю.

[img]http://molbiol.ru/izo/rl.gif[/img] [ru] - только для русских читателей

[ru]это увидят только те, кто использует русский интерфейс[/ru] [en] - только для английских читателей

[en]это увидят только те, кто использует английский интерфейс[/en] [self] - текст виден только вам и администрации

[self]это увидите только вы сами[/self]
[left] - выравнивание по левому краю

Пример: [left]текст слева[/left] [center] - выравнивание по центру

Пример: [center]текст в центре[/center] [right] - выравнивание по правому краю

Пример: [right]текст справа[/right] [just] - выравнивание по обоим краям

Пример: [just]выровненный текст[/just]

     размер сообщения / макс. размер:  / 15360

Последние 10 сообщений [ в обратном порядке ]
watchesbiz Отправлен 24.11.2021 16:09
Olas Отправлен 30.03.2016 21:47
CCCP Отправлен 05.10.2006 22:07
  качаем, выделяя строчку ниже
[[Пожалуйста, напрягите умственные способности, чтобы понять эту фразу.
Если ссылку после долгих дедуктивных приемов разглядеть не удалось-не надо запрашивать ее в этой теме.]]
musand Отправлен 05.10.2006 22:05
4 Stars! from Doody

From The Critics
Doody Review Services
Reviewer: Kenneth L. Audus, PhD (University of Kansas Medical Center)
Description: This book consists of a collection of very detailed descriptions of state-of-the-art techniques and protocols to investigate the nature of the unique endothelial lining of the microcerebrovasculature. The book includes enough technical and background detail to assist the beginner, but it also provides an up-to-date reference of critical information that will serve as an important resource to the experienced researcher.
Purpose: The editor's intent is to provide a contemporary resource for basic techniques and protocols that will stimulate both new and experienced researchers into incorporating these approaches into their research on molecular mechanisms that form the basis of the blood-brain barrier. The book is timely and captures new approaches, and thus it appears to serve the objective of the work.
Audience: The material in the book is directed to both beginning and experienced researchers on all aspects of the biology of the blood-brain barrier. The content will be of interest to neuroscientists, physiologists, and pharmacologists as well as those in the fields of biopharmaceutics, basic cell biology, and biochemistry. Consistent with that objective, the authors are experienced investigators, well-known in the areas for which they have provided detailed techniques and protocols. This impressive group of accomplished authors adds significant credibility to the work.
Features: Chapters are devoted to techniques that have been used to characterize the blood-brain barrier at the biochemical and molecular level. Each chapter provides detailed experimental protocols, applications, notes, advantages, and most importantly, helpful critiques of the protocols put in context to current literature on alternative techniques. The chapters cover both in vitro as well as in vivo/in situ techniques. The book collectively offers a wealth of information on permeability and transport techniques and modern molecular biological approaches to characterize blood-brain barrier proteins involved in transport and metabolism. Supporting photographic images (both black and white and color) and illustrations are share and provide excellent detail. Researchers will greatly appreciate the details in the methods and descriptions as well the inclusion of sources of materials.
Assessment: An outstanding addition to the field! The book is unique in its organization and ease of reading and use as research resource. In my view, this book will emerge as one of the more cited and critical sources of information for all researchers exploring the nature of the blood-brain barrier.
musand Отправлен 05.10.2006 22:05
  [attachmentid(right)=12248]The Blood-Brain Barrier: Biology and Research Protocols   Оглавление книги
Methods in Molecular Medicine 89
Nag S.
Humana Press; 2003; 549стр.; ISBN: 1588290735

ISBN-13: 9781588290731

To buy:


Book Info
Univ. of Toronto, Canada. Text provides the details of selected morphologic, permeability, transport, in vitro, and molecular techniques for BBB studies. Each part is preceded by a review emphasizing the advantages and pitfalls of particular techniques. Written for researchers in BBB. DNLM: Blood--Brain Barrier--physiology.
From the Publisher
Despite the fact that the breakdown of the blood-brain barrier occurs in many brain diseases and is an important factor in mortality, the molecular mechanisms involved in the breakdown are not completely understood. In The Blood-Brain Barrier: Biology and Research Protocols, leading researchers and clinician-scientists present state-of-the-art morphologic, permeability, transport, in vitro, and molecular techniques to study the workings of the blood-brain barrier in health and disease. Described in step-by-step detail, each proven method includes an explanation of the theoretical basis of the method, a discussion of its advantages and limitations, notes on avoiding pitfalls, and examples of results obtained using the technique. At the cutting edge are techniques to explore the genomics and proteomics of brain endothelium. Comprehensive and state-of-the-art, The Blood-Brain Barrier: Biology and Research Protocols offers pharmacologists, physiologists, neuroscientists, neurosurgeons, and neurologists an array of powerful tools to isolate undiscovered molecules, deepen our understanding of their role in health and disease, and identify targets for future gene therapy and therapeutic intervention.

Three dozen chapters contribute to researchers' understanding of the molecular mechanisms involved in the breakdown of the blood-brain barrier (BBB) in brain disorders caused by stroke, trauma, inflammation, and tumors. In sections on tissue and permeability techniques, Nag (neuropathology, U. of Toronto) introduces the properties of cellular components of normal cerebral vessels and the pathophysiology of BBB breakdown. Other contributors provide step-by- step instructions on BBB transport, in vitro, molecular, and genomic methods, and discuss genetically altered models. Annotation ©2003 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR
/ Книги,  #122939  /
Область: Психиатрия, Невропатология, Психология
Язык и уровень: Специальный (анг)
Где взять: Было в сети
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